I am currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at ETH Zurich where I work in the Information Security Group headed by Prof. David Basin. We are investigating ways to shift from traditional binary-hash-based attestation to more advanced property-based attestation in Trusted Execution Environments.
I completed my PhD from Chalmers University, Gothenburg under the supervision of Prof. Mary Sheeran.
I am currently the lead designer of HasTEE+, a Haskell DSL for programming Trusted Execution Environments that enforces Information Flow Control. I also design and maintain the SynchronVM project, a soft real-time virtual machine supporting functional programming on microcontrollers.
Topic-wise, I am broadly interested in the following in no particular order:
- All aspects of programming language implementation - compilers, runtimes, memory management, type systems, etc.
- Information Flow Control
- Certified Programming with proof assistants such as Coq
- Operating Systems and their Security
- Computer Architecture (specifically Microarchitectural Security)
- Concurrency and Parallelism
I sporadically read about logic and philosophy. I am currently contemplating the formal definition of trust and ways to design computer systems that uphold the various dimensions of trust, such as confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
Contact me at my ETH email